What Would a Transformational Approach to Food Public Procurement Look Like?


What Would a Transformational Approach to Food Public Procurement Look Like?


This report, produced as part of a project to explore policy levers for food systems transformation, presents a case study on food public procurement (FPP), examined through the lens of food system transformation.

We applied a ‘food systems approach’ to the policy lever of FPP to explore its potential role in food system transformation. The report describes:

  • what the lever of FPP is and its relation to policy
  • who makes FPP policy, using the example of England
  • which food system activities FPP could transform
  • which food system outcomes FPP could transform
  • food system synergies and trade-offs related to FPP
  • examples of FPP innovation from around the world
  • how this lever is connected to other policy levers.

It draws together these findings to propose an ideal-type model for food public procurement in a healthy and sustainable food system, where FPP is supported by a package of complimentary policy measures to maximise its transformative potential.


October 2021


Kelly Parsons and David Barling