Read the latest policy insight report from our impact and engagement consultants, Future Advocacy.
How do visual and creative methods support public engagement?
Take a look at the new resource exploring how visual and creative methods support public engagement.
Leveraging knowledge-policy interfaces for food systems transformation in the UK: lessons from civil society
This new report examines how Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) approach and navigate knowledge-policy interfaces in the context of UK food policy. Specifically, it examines how different types of CSOs produce and use evidence, build and maintain relationships, and mobilise narratives to leverage food policy change.
TUKFS Early Career Researcher Conference takes place in York 22-23 October 2023
Early Career Researchers (ECR’s) from across the Transforming UK Food Systems Programme (TUKFS) came together in York for their annual conference in October 2023.

What does ‘co-production’ look like for Food System transformation?
This research project aims to map and curate examples of ‘good practice’ across the TUKFS projects where ‘co’ design/creation/production methods are being employed for food system transformation.
Transformation: A guide to fundamental change in a world of crisis
This report provides an overview of the concept of transformation to highlight some of the critical aspects that need to be considered when embarking on an initiative, approach or campaign which is intended to be transformational.
Understanding and Evaluating On-Farm Food Loss and Waste in the UK
This published report is the output of an inter-disciplinary, cross-university team of researchers from Cranfield University, University of Reading and University of Leeds in a project funded by the Transforming UK Food Security Annual Synergy Fund.
New project to transform the UK food system through trade
The Transforming UK Food Systems Strategic Priorities Fund has added to its portfolio with a new £680,000 interdisciplinary project focusing on trade.
Policy Workshops led by Defra and the Transforming UK Food Systems SPF Programme
The SPF Programme alongside Defra, held 2 policy workshops exploring research and policy questions within public food procurement and food poverty. The overall purpose was to establish the government’s priority evidence questions and explore where the projects within the SPF Programme are delivering the answers.
Shifting food business behaviours for human & environmental health: A behavioural science perspective
A new report which lays out a flexible approach for creating more strategic and holistic behaviour change initiatives using food business behaviours as an example.